Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A picture is worth a thousand words

The day before Thanksgiving and I'm wistfully imaginging linda La Paz, which awaits me in a mere 36 days. Surrounded by the vivid yellows and oranges of an unusually long and mild fall in New England, I'm reminiscing about my June trip to Coroico on the coldest day of the year, and sipping watermelon juice after a swim in the pool of Hotel Esperanza. I've posted some scenes of both cities and the memorable road between them, as well as some maps of the country. Hopefully such images will entice many-a-visitor as the plan is to have a two-bedroom apartment in the neighborhood of Sopocachi, sort of mid-mountain.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Only 44 days til I relocate to linda La Paz, leaving the stress (and comforts) of home in Boston. I'm excited to share the trials and tribulations, fun and frustrations, with friends and family around the world as I prepare for this adventure. Thus far challenges have already included packing furniture pieces in my VERY limited check-through luggage and learning of the (as yet) forthcoming tourist visa requirements of the NY Consulate. Never a dull moment! At any rate, I plan to keep entries short and sweet and hope to include marvelous pictures of my new home....