Saturday, June 14, 2008

An English Teacher, An English Teacher...

Hopefully many of you can fill in the music from the Bye, Bye Birdie song and get my drift...

I started teaching 6th grade English at Saint Andrew's, a private school in the Zona Sur, on June 2, just 3 weeks from the end of the semester (assuming midterms proceed as scheduled next week despite the public school teacher's strike and the government's response of starting winter vacation early!!)

Definitely a challenging move, but I'm learning their names and I *think* they're learning past tense, possessive nouns, and the like...we're doing a unit on the Egyptian pyramids (and mummies!) which has been fun and yielded good vocabulary for quizzes!!

I start back up July 14 after a visit from my parents, so am gearing up for their arrival the 5th by beautifying the apartment. Our new bed should arrive Monday, and since the Vonage phone is finally working, all would be well in pacena-land if my computer hadn't been infected by a virus last Tuesday and gone totally kaput. I'm hoping for good news next week before joining Fernando in Santa Cruz for the weekend, but am resigning myself to whatever fate has in store. So I may be writing to all of you requesting contact details again, and starting from scratch on pictures, music, and all the documents one loses when this sort of thing happens. :{

Ah, the highs and lows of dependence on technology! ANyway, thinking of all of you from wintry La Paz. Besos!!