Saturday, March 1, 2008


Since starting work as the Quality Analyst in Human Resources at the Banco de Credito on February 18, I've hardly had time to breathe let alone blog! But these first two weeks have been hectic in a pleasantly busy way, with multiple visits to the health insurance provider for long waits in pre-dawn lines as well as learning the ropes at the bank. The staff is friendly and warm, and alternating Fridays has lunch together in and leaves 2 hours earlier than normal. I missed out on my first experience of this as I learned shortly beforehand that as a citizen of a group 3 country (essentially the US and Iraq) I did have to leave the country to change from tourist status to that of "objeto determinado," a temporary category while I apply for residency based on employment (for one year, renewable for 2 and 5 and then indefinite.) It was frustrating not to be able to get full details on what exactly this meant and involved, but by a stroke of luck Fernando and I were able to escape to Arica, Chile on Thursday and get my paperwork in order at the Bolivian Consulate there on the Pacific coast. It's a 9 hour bus ride (we neglected to note the hour time difference til late Friday night due to the relaxed beach climate) through the Andes, with some amazing scenery including Sajama and other mountains of note. After crossing the Chilean border, it's a windy descent to sea level, but a welcoming warmth made it all worthwhile and after getting my visa Friday morning we were able to relax on the beach before returning home to La Paz Saturday. An exhausting but important trip that marks a milestone in my process of legalization in Bolivia, and it feels GREAT!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great to hear all is going well! Keep the updates coming :) Besos, Gabrielle